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Introducing the Montessori Spinning Coin Box, Object Permanence Boxes - a must-have for your child's learning and development! This set includes a spinning coin box and object permanence boxes, designed to help children understand the concept of object permanence and develop their fine motor skills. 


Who is this for?


Children typically start using Montessori Spinning Coin Boxes and Object Permanence Boxes around the age of 10 to 12 months old. These materials are designed to support early cognitive development and understanding of fundamental concepts such as object permanence and cause-and-effect relationships.


Here’s how these materials benefit children at this age:



  • Object Permanence: Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible. Object permanence boxes typically include trays or boxes with covers that children can manipulate to reveal or hide objects, teaching them this concept.

  • Fine Motor Skills: Manipulating the lids or covers of the boxes and placing objects inside involves developing fine motor control and coordination.

  • Cause-and-Effect: Spinning coin boxes involve placing coins or objects into a container that spins or moves when released. This teaches children about cause-and-effect relationships as they observe the movement generated by their actions.

  • Focus and Concentration: These materials encourage children to focus and concentrate as they engage with the tasks of inserting objects and manipulating the covers or spinning mechanisms.

  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Placing objects into specific slots or compartments and coordinating their movements to manipulate the boxes helps improve hand-eye coordination.

  • Problem-Solving: Figuring out how to operate the covers or spinning mechanisms to achieve the desired outcome encourages problem-solving skills.

  • Language Development: Engaging in play with these materials often involves verbal communication as children describe what they are doing, name objects, or interact with caregivers.

Montessori Spinning Coin Box, Object Permanence Boxes


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